Canada Permanent
Resident (PR) process for consultation as follows:
Step I – Please send
your resume to Christian Communication Centre email; and send
your SMS to 9600018622. Canadian based company will check your resume
and will send you assessment form to your email to check your eligible; it is
free of cost until pass the interview.
Step II - If you are eligible for a PR in Canada, then
they will fix up an initial Skype consultation with you, for which they charge
CAD $150 and can be paid online, to discuss and identify the
right Canadian immigration program for you dependent on your qualities, your
goals. Here following scenario;
- Review the details of your immigration situation thoroughly;
- Answer all the questions that you may have about your immigration case;
- List and explain all immigration benefits for which you may qualify and likelihood of success on the merits; and
- Assist you in planning an immigration strategy for success.
Note; It will
complete this progress within 30 days; it is direct contact with the company no
agency in India.
Contact us for more details; Christian Communication Centre Job Service.